Appliance Removal in Aurora Colorado

Aurora, CO


Single Price for One or Several Appliances
Select "Quantity 1" During Payment

Is it safe to pay online?

Find Your Zip Code Below

80010 - $60

80011 - $60

80012 - $40

80013 - $20 

80014 - $20

80015 - $20

80016 - $20

80017 - $40

80018 is split up into two sections

80018 South of E. Jewell Ave - $20 Map

80018 North of E. Jewell Ave - $40 Map

80019 - $60

*Hazardous Waste -
See description below

Select "Quantity 1" During Payment

For the listed price structure to be valid then your refrigerator or freezer cannot have food left in it nor contain mold.

2. Has there been rotted meat in your refrigerator or freezer?
Did your appliance come from a cockroach infested house?

Call me for price structure in dealing with all of the above.
Under no circumstances will I haul off refrigerators with food still inside.
*If your refrigerator has a considerable amount of mold, bacteria or an unbearable putrid odor then you have a hazardous material situation.
I will have to charge you $100 on top of the regular fees.
Simply click on the Hazardous Waste button after making the initial payment.
You must remove the food and rinse out liquids with a garden hose.

3. Place appliance either in the garage or directly outside the garage door (not at the curb) with room for me to back my truck up to it.

Make sure appliances are out before 7AM

Kevin Sorrell

4230 S. Pitkin St.
Aurora, CO 80013
303-627-8834  (non text land-line)
Hours: Monday - Sunday 7am - 7pm



Quality Service Professional